
6 places to visit near Drobeta Turnu-Severin

Below is a list of 6 of the most important landmarks that you can visit if you are in or…

5 years ago

Danube's Cauldrons – what & how you can visit

On the day we planned to visit the Danube's Cauldrons we didn’t head the alarm and we woke up late.…

6 years ago

What to visit in central Bulgaria – Rose Valley

After visiting Veliko Tarnovo we went (by car) to the Rose Valley. During the two days spent in the central…

6 years ago

5 Picturesque places – Bulgarian Black Sea coast

Because the weather finally decided it was time for the summer to make its presence felt and because there is…

6 years ago

Explore Transylvania – A 5-day Road Trip Itinerary

Travel, explore Transylvania! If you do not want to stay all summer long in a place "with your belly in…

6 years ago

Bucegi Plateau

The Bucegi Massif is one of the most famous tourist area in Romania, the cities at its base are located about…

6 years ago

Ireland – Travel Guide – Itineraries

Soon you will have to start and book your holidays and a country worth visiting during the summer in Ireland.…

6 years ago