It is impossible to visit this country, and not spend at least one day on one of the following wonderful beaches in Sri Lanka:
With miles and miles of fine sand, it’s impossible not to find a place just for you. Tangalle is the perfect place to relax, being fewer tourists. Swim can be a little dangerous because of water currents, which intensify especially in the afternoon.
In the past, Tangalle was an important fishing port, and fishing is still the main income for many of the locals. That’s why you can find fresh fish everywhere. We found this small restaurant: Ceylon Excel, where we ate one of the greatest fish in our lives.
Mirissa! On the opposite side, it’s full of tourists. A city in Sri Lanka full of beaches and beautiful peninsulas. It is also the main city where you can rent a boat to go out to watch whales. On the shore, you can enjoy 2 km of fine golden sand. The west side is great for surfing. And if you want to do snorkeling you have to head to the eastern half, where the reef is close to the shore. If you want a more secluded area, then Secret Beach is for you.
By far the biggest attraction on the beach is Parrot Rock. A small island that you can reach by walking a little through water and from where you can admire the whole beach. Another attraction is a small peninsula full of coconut trees perfect for sunset. To get here, just search on Google Maps “Coconut Tree Hill”.
Full of history, Galle captivates you with beautiful architecture and scenic landscapes. It is one of the most visited cities in Sri Lanka. In the old part of the town, you can visit a fort founded by the Portuguese in the 16th century. It also has Dutch and British influences. One day is enough to explore the fort, and the other one can spend it at a nearby beach.
This beach is located on the west coast at 114 km from Colombo. In Hikkaduwa, you have the chance to see turtles and feed them. (! The turtles should not be touched, especially if you used sunscreen.) It is the perfect beach for snorkeling because the reef is very close to the shore. We did not want to leave. The sunset, especially, is spectacular among palm leaves. If you are lucky you can also take part in releasing the baby turtles in the sea. There are a few areas on the beach where local authorities are placing the turtle eggs and take care of them until they hatch. We were lucky and enjoyed such a moment and it was a unique experience.
If we were to make a top of these beaches in Sri Lanka, I think in Tangalle and Hikkaduwa were the best. In Tangalle we enjoyed good food and great beaches with fine sand and not so crowded. In Hikkaduwa, the highlight has been the coral reef and turtles that were so cute. <3
What is your favorite beach in Sri Lanka?
I never visited Sri Lanka, but reading this makes me thinking that would be a wonderful choice for the next vacation. Now I have a dilema: wich of these beautiful beaches should i choose? Well, I think I’ll just throw a coin because I love them all from your descriptions. Or I’ll choose Tangalle as you made “the top” at the end. Thanks!
Tangalle is perfect if you want to be just you, your loved one, coconut, and the sea 😍
Multi cunoscuti au mers in Sri Lanka si au venit cu povestiri minunate.
Wow! Ce destinații minunate si ce poza superbe. Ma faci sa imi doresc sa ajung acolo cat mai repede!
Vai, par minunate! Aleg Mirissa 😊
Omg… ce soare si ce vreme frumoasa e in pozele din acest articol si ce vreme urata e afara. Super articolul, am uitat de ploaia de azi.
Si pe noi zilele ploioase ne duc cu gandul la o nuca de cocos pe plaja 😁
Bun bun de tot de vizitat
Sri Lanka are cateva zone de poveste!
Nu am ajuns in Sri Lanka insa mi-ar placea sa o vizitez pe viitor.
Imi place ce vad in imaginile pe care ni le-ai furnizat. 😍
Multumim! Ne bucuram ca iti plac 😊
Pozele tale sunt de vis. Plaja cu numarul 4 cred ca ar fi preferata mea, datorita faptului ca se face snorkling aproape de mal. Superb!
Tot din acest motiv a fost si una din preferatele noastre 😊
Ce frumoase sunt toate pozele. Pare minunat acolo în Sri Lanka. Mulțumim pentru recomandari. Toate experiențele astea merită trăite și as vrea sa le traiesc odată.
Multumim! Da, au fost cateva momente de neuitat din aventura noastra in Asia, cateva chiar din Sri Lanka 😊
Ce fotografii frumoase! Deja sunt plecata cu gandul in Sri Lanka ❤️ Salvez acest articol pentru ca imi va fi tare util la un moment dat😊
Ma bucur tare mult ca l-ai gasit util 🤗
Toate sunt superbe!! Dar as merge sa hranesc broscutele!
Este intr-adevar o experienta inedita si sunt niste fiinte pe cat de mari, pe atat de sensibile!
Daca as ajunge acolo cu siguranta le-as lua pe toate la rand.
Da!! Fiecare are un farmec aparte!
I hope my husband will fly again, and then we will go to visit Sri Lanka also.
Another vacation plan on the list :))
These places look amazingly beautiful. Sri Lanka is definitely on my travel list and reading your descriptions made me want to go there even more.